Sunday, December 16, 2007
O where o where have the kelleys gone...........
We had a great Thanksgiving, Bill was determined that we were going to have turkey, so I told him if he wanted turkey than he would need to find one. To make a long story short, he left the house at about 11 in the morning and didn't return till about 3 in the afternoon. He had gone to 2 to 3 different parts of town and then ended up traveling 30 kilometers out of town where his tutor found his brother in law who happened to have two turkeys to sell. So Bill got them, traveled back into town, got them butchered and brought them home. Unfortunately for me he forgot to tell them to cut off the head and gut the things. It was a messy job to get them ready to cook, I cooked one of them the night before thanksgiving just to see how long it would take. People told me they were good turkeys, but I didn't have the heart to eat something that still had eyes looking at me before I cooked it.
We had 40 some people for Thanksgiving. 1/2 of them were kids and half the kids where under the age of 10. We had a great time.
Other activities we have been up too.
We hosted 3 children 6 and under so their parents could have a special anniversary out go visit some special places. Faith said it gave her an all new appreciation for young moms over here. We had a lot of fun.
We hosted a get together for the English School Amacitia. The secretary is leaving to go the Spain to get married and live, she had been with the school since it began, we had a mix of North Africans, French, Americans, British and Spanish people in our home. It was a lot of hard work, but Bill and I enjoyed serving our friends in the Lord.
We have been to the old city many times to visit our friends there. We will be going again tonight. They are wanting to send some things back to their family in the Oregon and so Marissa and Jessica will be delivering those gifts for them.
The international church is getting ready for it's annual Christmas program. I was put in charge of making 38 to 40 angel costumes. You can be proud of me mom, I delegated instead of doing it all myself.
Well need to go.
As soon as we have pictures ready to down load for these events and the internet is working correctly, we will update this email
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Visitors, friends and more

This month has started out well, The small kitten, boots, that Faith got while I was in the states is growing and full of life. He has decided that whatever moves is fair game for attacking.

One other person in our home who really enjoyed Boots was a young swiss woman who is looking at various children's therapy centers around North Africa to see which one God is leading her too. She spent about a week with us off and on, in and out. Keep her in your prayers.
Last night we had a surprise birthday party for one of Faith's friends who was turning 15, she wasn't going to have a party this year. She was surprised. The whole youth group was here, plus a few families, it was a good time of fellowship.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Firm Foundations update
Tarik, Tarik, Tarik
Last month our church had an all night prayer session during the "Night of Power" the most significant night during Ramadan. Muslims throughout the world pray during this night seeking from God. Monica, my partner's wife prayed that God would reveal to her in a dream some direction for the coming year. And He did.
"Tarik, Tark, Tarik: you are chosen". What does it mean? Hmmm. Well Tarik is the name of the new neighborhood they have moved to. Tarik is the name of our apartment building, and Tarik is the name of the computer technician where we teach English. Coincidence? My feeling is if you are bold enough to ask God for direction, and He gives it to you, then you better follow through if you want want him to follow up!
What Comes Around Goes Around, and Around...

Ah, the joys of French influenced bureaucracy. Next time you grumble about government red tape, stop a moment and remember the following story:
Tim lives an hour and half south of us, where he and his wife direct a pregnancy crisis center (the Friends women's 2007 project). He came to town to pick up a car part and dropped by to have lunch with us. After some small talk about family, I asked about the project. He chuckled and mentioned that this week they had made remarkable progress.
The first submitted their paperwork to the local pasha in March. He was asked to return in June. In June he referred to the wali (regional authority). When he was able to make a appointment a few months later the Regional office refused to even look at his paperwork which he had so carefully collected. Instead, he was told that he needed other paperwork. Finally Tim consulted an attorney who is a believer. The attorney's advice? You have everything you need. wait a week and take the paperwork back in.
Next week, Tim returned with the same paperwork in a different colored folder. The wali was very pleased with the "new" paper work and told Tim he would send it on to the proper authority which was - you guessed it: the local pasha!
Lost Cousin = Golden Opportunity?
It so happens that my cousin, (whom I have not seen in 30 years), is a long time member of the European troupe! So I set the wheels in motion thru friends of friends to try to contact him to see if they might be available to visit this summer. Sorry it took so long, Aunt Naomi!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Firm Foundations
Bill like a long lost brother. Later, Bill went back by himself and spent about two hours with spice man. Since two of Bill's friends have emigrated this past year, Bill is very excited about this new friendship!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Back in NAfrica update

We arrived in NA mid Sept, it was great to get home. The first week here we went to the Rafah house and Therapy center to deliver money we raised for them. The directors where very happy and appreciative.
Here is a breakdown of our activities. Bill and his Partner start teaching English classes this Monday night and would appreciate your prayers. The need 20 or more students to really be able to make ends meet. They are also talking to a couple of elementary schools about doing english kids clubs. so things will start getting busy.
The girls that came with us are doing real well. They are taking language classes and getting out in the community to get to know people. They will be going to a therapy center next week to do some mural painting and then they have also been volunteering at the girls detention center in the old city. They are doing real well. This weekend we have a friend of Joel's staying with us that is studying in spain. She wants to know what it is we do and what our city is like.

Faith is working hard with baby sitting, It looks like she will be having a consistent, nanny sitting job for a new couple that came in with a one year old. she baby sat him today while his parents were at the store getting some supplies for their new apartment: stove, frig, light bulbs, fixtures, pretty much everything but the kitchen sink.
I'm still trying to get into the grove of things. I think my body has finally forgiven me jet legging it three times in one month. My time home was good and was needed, so was glad I was able to be there. It was a shock to have to turn around after 2 weeks of arriving home to go back to the states. For those who don't know, my grandmother Orpha Cammack passed away a week and a half after we got back to NA. I knew in my heart that I would probably never see her alive again as she was 98. I took care of her for about twelve years before we came to NA to work. I did some commissioned work on a banner for a conference that took place in Gibraltar this week, during my two weeks in the states.

The most exciting thing for me was getting a house helper to come help clean the house after being gone. It is wonderful, worth every penny. I found out she can cook too so maybe have her do some next week. Cleaning house here in NAFrica is different than in the states and it can quickly become real overwhelming. I have a hard enough time keeping up with the wash and keeping the dishes washed. since the construction of the buildings are cement, I find that it is hard on my back to do a lot of standing in the house.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
With God's grace
We are slowly getting resettled. We are discovering that we need to purchase a new phone for our vonage number (the old one only keeps a 3 second charge) and for some reason Faith and I can't find our cell phones. We are still looking. Also it looks like the house needs repainted real bad. We will be looking into that within the next couple of weeks (or months).
Faith has been busy with friends. She went to their school and surprised them and now they don't want to leave her side. I have to insist that she be home at certain times so she has time to settle in herself.
The single ladies that came with us are settling real nice. They have their room almost the way they want it.
It isn't too hot here, upper 80's and cool in the evenings.
Well need to go. take care and have a good day
Thursday, September 6, 2007
count down for Morocc0
The count down continues, we have about 5 days left before we leave the States. It will be nice to get home, but difficult to leave the family.
The boys are doing well and adjusting to University, Faith has packed and repacked several times, and I got Bill to sort through things today.
will confirm tickets on Monday and then off we go.
Till next time.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Mark to Georgefox
We missed the opportunity to start Joel out his freshman year, so we are feeling what we would have felt last year.
Mark is leaving the nest, even though he has been staying with his grandparents, we were still a part of his life, we helped transport him to work, to CCC and to other activities, he was only 10 min away.
Most of all, on Sept 11th we will leave both boys behind when we go back to North Africa, It seems so final, they are now men, who can take care of themselves. They have both proved that this year and especially this summer. Even both guys will be at Fox, I will be missing times I can be with them for special occasions or just because.
I will miss them in North Africa, But I am looking forward to seeing where the Lord leads them and am grateful for family and friends who will be keeping an eye out for them.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Time is beginning to run out, We have 5 weeks left before returning to Morocco. I'm trying to finish up those last min. projects that I had cut out or wanted to try before returning. I finished to tote bags and gave one to my mom, made one small purse and have the other cut out. Going through my stash to decide what to add and what to leave.
We met Marks roommate last night, I think they will be a good match. The are both excited to be at college this month.
Karima is now with Belil. He finally arrived yesterday. She was so excited. She hasn't seen him since April. We gave them two nights at a hotel to get reaquainted has husband and wife. Their housing came through, so we get to get them set up this week. The place is furnished so that will make it easier as far as what we need to get them. Just some sheets and blankets and maybe some cookware and food.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Faith's Big Moment

Faith got her GED in December 06 and got to walk the line on June 6. Her plans are to come back with us in Sept to North Africa. She still needs to study for her SAT test, which she is not too excited about and she also wants to see what the Lord has in store for her during her last official year with us. She is still contemplating what she what she wants to do and where she wants to continue her studies.
Spring activities

Time to do some catch up. May and June have been busy months for us as we watched Mark and Faith Graduate from Hi school. Mark received his Ged in September 06 from Chemeketa community college and his graduation was June 16. Even though he didn't walk the line till June 07, he still insists he graduated in 2006. He is going to attend George Fox University in Aug.
He is really excited.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Quilt blog