Sunday, December 16, 2007

O where o where have the kelleys gone...........

Yes I know we need to do better on keeping this blog up. I wait for Bill to blog so I can blog or the other way around and it doesn't get done.

We had a great Thanksgiving, Bill was determined that we were going to have turkey, so I told him if he wanted turkey than he would need to find one. To make a long story short, he left the house at about 11 in the morning and didn't return till about 3 in the afternoon. He had gone to 2 to 3 different parts of town and then ended up traveling 30 kilometers out of town where his tutor found his brother in law who happened to have two turkeys to sell. So Bill got them, traveled back into town, got them butchered and brought them home. Unfortunately for me he forgot to tell them to cut off the head and gut the things. It was a messy job to get them ready to cook, I cooked one of them the night before thanksgiving just to see how long it would take. People told me they were good turkeys, but I didn't have the heart to eat something that still had eyes looking at me before I cooked it.

We had 40 some people for Thanksgiving. 1/2 of them were kids and half the kids where under the age of 10. We had a great time.

Other activities we have been up too.

We hosted 3 children 6 and under so their parents could have a special anniversary out go visit some special places. Faith said it gave her an all new appreciation for young moms over here. We had a lot of fun.

We hosted a get together for the English School Amacitia. The secretary is leaving to go the Spain to get married and live, she had been with the school since it began, we had a mix of North Africans, French, Americans, British and Spanish people in our home. It was a lot of hard work, but Bill and I enjoyed serving our friends in the Lord.

We have been to the old city many times to visit our friends there. We will be going again tonight. They are wanting to send some things back to their family in the Oregon and so Marissa and Jessica will be delivering those gifts for them.

The international church is getting ready for it's annual Christmas program. I was put in charge of making 38 to 40 angel costumes. You can be proud of me mom, I delegated instead of doing it all myself.

Well need to go.

As soon as we have pictures ready to down load for these events and the internet is working correctly, we will update this email