Ah, the joys of French influenced bureaucracy. Next time you grumble about government red tape, stop a moment and remember the following story:
Tim lives an hour and half south of us, where he and his wife direct a pregnancy crisis center (the Friends women's 2007 project). He came to town to pick up a car part and dropped by to have lunch with us. After some small talk about family, I asked about the project. He chuckled and mentioned that this week they had made remarkable progress.
The first submitted their paperwork to the local pasha in March. He was asked to return in June. In June he referred to the wali (regional authority). When he was able to make a appointment a few months later the Regional office refused to even look at his paperwork which he had so carefully collected. Instead, he was told that he needed other paperwork. Finally Tim consulted an attorney who is a believer. The attorney's advice? You have everything you need. wait a week and take the paperwork back in.
Next week, Tim returned with the same paperwork in a different colored folder. The wali was very pleased with the "new" paper work and told Tim he would send it on to the proper authority which was - you guessed it: the local pasha!