We arrived in NA mid Sept, it was great to get home. The first week here we went to the Rafah house and Therapy center to deliver money we raised for them. The directors where very happy and appreciative.
Here is a breakdown of our activities. Bill and his Partner start teaching English classes this Monday night and would appreciate your prayers. The need 20 or more students to really be able to make ends meet. They are also talking to a couple of elementary schools about doing english kids clubs. so things will start getting busy.
The girls that came with us are doing real well. They are taking language classes and getting out in the community to get to know people. They will be going to a therapy center next week to do some mural painting and then they have also been volunteering at the girls detention center in the old city. They are doing real well. This weekend we have a friend of Joel's staying with us that is studying in spain. She wants to know what it is we do and what our city is like.

Faith is working hard with baby sitting, It looks like she will be having a consistent, nanny sitting job for a new couple that came in with a one year old. she baby sat him today while his parents were at the store getting some supplies for their new apartment: stove, frig, light bulbs, fixtures, pretty much everything but the kitchen sink.
I'm still trying to get into the grove of things. I think my body has finally forgiven me jet legging it three times in one month. My time home was good and was needed, so was glad I was able to be there. It was a shock to have to turn around after 2 weeks of arriving home to go back to the states. For those who don't know, my grandmother Orpha Cammack passed away a week and a half after we got back to NA. I knew in my heart that I would probably never see her alive again as she was 98. I took care of her for about twelve years before we came to NA to work. I did some commissioned work on a banner for a conference that took place in Gibraltar this week, during my two weeks in the states.

The most exciting thing for me was getting a house helper to come help clean the house after being gone. It is wonderful, worth every penny. I found out she can cook too so maybe have her do some next week. Cleaning house here in NAFrica is different than in the states and it can quickly become real overwhelming. I have a hard enough time keeping up with the wash and keeping the dishes washed. since the construction of the buildings are cement, I find that it is hard on my back to do a lot of standing in the house.